About me

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Hey there, if you reached this page, it is because you want to know who’s behind this madness. Well, what can I say?

My name is Tatiana Moraes, a Brazilian-Spanish illustrator, and artist, currently studying Graphic and Digital Creation at ESDIP in Madrid, with 2D and 3D animation as my specialization. I’ve just recently started my internship there, at The Beat #7 Animation Studio.

I’ve always been keen on drawing; I’d fill notebooks with all sorts of drawings, mostly of things I liked and, curiously, I’d create comics with my own stories. Who’d have thought that one day I would be doing that seriously, professionally even!

Curiously, I’ve found that I’m more passionate about animation in all of its forms. To me, there’s a certain magic in giving life to just a bunch of lines. The objective of the animator is to breathe feelings and stories into simple drawings, evoking the same sensations to the public. When I animate, I see myself not as a puppeteer, but as a show woman, a magician, creating the illusion of life to entertain and move the public.

My influences and inspiration lie on comics and anime. With traditional art, I’m more comfortable using pencils, ink and felt pen, but I’ve tried a little bit of everything, really. Now, digital art is my favourite, and I use Procreate in my iPad Pro with the Apple pencil. However, I’m still looking for the method in my madness, as Polonius would say…

Follow me on Instagram (@latatiarte)

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